Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tired? Exhausted? Fatigued? Here's Your Answer!

Personnel at PlantLegends do not claim to be medical practitioners. I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe any medical treatment or advice. You should always discuss treatment of medical conditions with your medical practitioner before using any alternative therapies, natural supplements, or vitamins.  You should consult with an aromatherapist about essential oil usage and always inform your primary care physician what you are using as they may not be conducive with his/her prescribed therapy and medications.

Feeling dragged out? Exhausted?  Having to push yourself to make it through the day? This may not have to be just an inevitable unpleasantry of aging. The answer could lie within in the way of a congested liver. 

"But I was at the doctor and my liver enzymes are fine," you say. Maybe so and it's alway crucial to check. But if you have a hose to water your garden and test water quality coming out of it and then block half the nozzle and recheck the water, will the quality of that water be any less? No. But your garden will require more watering time and the hose will be working harder. And if you don't adjust the water pressure and allow it to keep running full force, the integrity of the hose may lessen. Over time, under the added pressure and stress, the hose will eventually break down and burst. Now your garden is receiving no water. Wouldn't it be smarter to clear the block and preserve the integrity of the hose? 

The liver has an enormous amount of functions and they all serve to keep this "machine" called the human body "feeling" well.  By size alone, as an organ, it's pretty impressive weighing 3 - 5 pounds in adults. It uses 12 -20% of the body's TOTAL available energy, and it must generate this energy to it's own cells all on its own. The liver routinely performs over 500 known functions to regulate your cell's metabolism. It is the "alchemical wizard" of the body, transforming toxins into harmless chemicals for excretion and digestively absorbed nutrients into the proper biochemical forms your cells can use to function. Pretty impressive! Yet the liver is probably the organ most assaulted by toxic modern lifestyles. It becomes congested full of pollution, stress, junk foods, drugs, etc.

If the doctor puts you on most any long-term med, what do they do? Monitor liver function! You see, these chemicals are foreign to the body and your poor liver doesn't know what the heck to do with it so it basically procrastinates at metabolizing it and the garbage builds up impairing its function.

You see, whether you're a creationist or evolutionist it cannot be denied that on a time scale humans have been here VERY long. Over the course of this VERY long time, the body has designed enzymes for the liver to aid itself in ridding and metabolizing EVERYTHING that comes its way. Amazing. Ingenious, Right?! 

But here's the problem. . . . over the last 50 years, "modern science" has altered darn near everything we consume. On the time scale of man, 50 years is a blink. So envision if you will, that old I Love Lucy episode where Lucy and Ethel get the job at the candy making factory. They were okay for a bit until the conveyer belt kicked into high gear. Then what happened? Remember?. . .  if you don't, watch this . . . . 

Your liver is Lucy and Ethel! 


That's where essential oils play the saving role of the day!

They have the ability (because the liver "recognizes" them over generations of familiarity) to kick the liver into both phase I and phase II detox. And because they are concentrated (roughly 100lbs of lavender flowers produce 1lb of oil) they're an economical goldmine! But please don't attempt this with just ANY Essential Oils or you could cause MORE harm. They should be only EOBBD Guaranteed. I use Be Young oils and have seen amazing results with average people through those with cancer who are sailing through their treatment protocols. 

For more information on these wonders of nature, click here and enter my sharing partner number 11483 to gain full access. 

my website address is here you may find more information about me. I am always available to answer questions; simply email.

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