Monday, September 3, 2012

A Big Bang For My Buck: Baking Soda

Personnel at PlantLegends do not claim to be medical practitioners. I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe any medical treatment or advice. You should always discuss treatment of medical conditions with your medical practitioner before using any alternative therapies, natural supplements, or vitamins.  You should consult with an aromatherapist about essential oil usage and always inform your primary care physician what you are using as they may not be conducive with his/her prescribed therapy and medications.

First In A Series.

As the final "official" weekend of summer draws to a close, and the conversations at the string of soirees are being reflected upon,  it's hard to not notice that many are finding things difficult right now. After a glass of wine and warm, physical chit-chat (meaning one-on-one as opposed to -  due to our harried lifestyles  -   the personal-space-safety of virtual texts, and facebook avatars) the facade of painted on smiles went away and were replaced with looks of genuine concern. . . I will say, however, that when we DID break into arouse of laughter, it was far more intoxicating than any wine on the planet or acronyms of LOL or LMAO for that matter! :)

But the reality remains that many are feeling the "pinch".  While granted, unemployment is going down (but how many have really simply been kicked off unemployment) and the inflation rate is less than last year (however food and energy are NOT taken into account in that calculation) people are still more than ever finding it hard.

I think, partly, we've been "consumered" to the point of bankruptcy; a different product for EVERYTHING. And with our preoccupation to "the tube", why wouldn't savvy marketers pull out all the tricks to eek our meager dollars away from us? Maybe even subliminally grabbing us like the video below suggests. . . Remember, people will do to you what you allow them to and also as long as you don't know their doing it! And if I got caught at something less than admirable and confronted, I'd probably have to deny it too like they did . . .there's shareholders to answer to! . . .  You'd just have to! What are you gonna say?

I'm old. (Well, by my son's point of view!) I was raised by "The Great Depression" era parents. Mom could feed a family of 7 (and I had 4 brothers!) with 1 pound of hamburger and have leftovers. It was quite awhile before I knew a chicken had any other parts than feet!

We were ethnic. While the other Jan Brady-type kids at school had Snoopy lunch pails or those little brown bags with their Oscar Meyer Bologna sandwiches on WonderBread neatly in those nifty little plastic bags, I showed up with a slice of mortadella (they wondered what was wrong with my bologna!) between two pieces of hand-cut crusty Italian bread; every time you bit into it crust was crunching and crumbling all over the table; quite the spectacle for a self-conscious prepubescent!  But no one cared about "self esteem" back then! The slices of bread were always 1/4 inch on one side and about an inch and a half on the other. And do you think Mom would ever put one small side to the others wide side so that at least it looked balanced? That would be a "No!" And always just a blob of mustard on it; that's it! And no, she wasn't gonna buy those little plastic sandwich bags the other kids used. Not when we had a perfectly good roll of waxed paper in the house! And buy a special brown bag for lunches? Wasteful! Five kids, five days a week? Come on, the paper bag from the bread loaf was good enough. . . if you were lucky; at least it was small! Usually I got the big brown bag from the grocery store. There was no missing my lunch in the press!

Little did I know that all those frugal things I shuttered at growing up would be a safety net now in the 21st century (weren't we suppose to be like the Jetson's?) So I'm gonna share. This series shall contain hints and tips that I use to "Get More Bang For My Buck".

Step one is, turn off the TV!  Or at least clue in that EVERYTHING you see is designed to get you to do or purchase something. Be critical and suspicious! . . . But don't get paranoid!

Your first money saver is . . . good ole fashioned BAKING SODA!

I get a 12 pound box delivered to my door for $12.13 including shipping!  I believe the less-than-a-pound version at the grocery store is over $2.00!

Here's some samples of how I use it . . . . . .

•     The obvious,  cooking/baking

•     Keep Odors Down In The Fridge. Place some in a used sour cream container to keep the fridge smelling fresh. Down the disposal to rid drain odors.

•     Its ability to lower pH makes it a wonderful laundry detergent booster. (Now you don't need that pricey brand!)

•     Toothpaste. Years ago, every trip to the dentist included him telling me I needed a root canal or that my gums were starting to recede. Refusing to give in to "aging", I actually READ the tube of toothpaste and said, "No wonder!" So. . . a pinch of baking soda, a few drops of peroxide (and isn't peroxide what all those "whiteners" are made of? . . . hmmmm, am I seeing ANOTHER product I can nix?!) and a drop or two of EOBBD guaranteed essential oils (I use tea tree or something else  - heck, they're ALL antibacterial! And by using essential oils and pushing them in at the gum line, I'm reaping they're protective qualities for colds!) Surprisingly, I haven't required a root canal and my gums are magically no longer receding! . . . The dental bills alone have saved me a bundle!

•     Mouthwash. Dissolve a teaspoon in some water, add one drop of spearmint or peppermint EOBBD essential oils swish and spit. Fresh and minty!

•     Heartburn. Remember? It neutralizes acid! Try a teaspoon in water and sip. To increase the effects and improve flavor. . . add 1 drop peppermint, fennel, anise, ginger or coriander EOBBD guaranteed essential oils. Say goodbye to the Tums, Prilosec, Rolaids, etc.!

•     Combs/Brushes. Gunked up from "product"? Why throw them away to land in a landfill and spend money on a new one? Soak them in warm water and baking soda and let them dry. It will dissolve the "product" build up.

•     A Surface "Soft Scrub". Why buy a separate product specifically for this? Simply soap and sprinkle some baking soda on the sponge and you're good to go!

•     Removing Marks On Walls. You don't need one of those "eraser" things! Damp sponge, sprinkle with baking soda, goodbye crayon marks!

•     Clean Cars. Good for car lights, chrome, windows tires vinyl seats and floor mats. 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart warm water. Use a sponge or soft cloth to remove road dirt; even tree sap, buts and tar!

•     Clean Your Cutting Board. Warm water and baking soda! For adding germ killing, spray with EOBBD guaranteed lemon essential oil mixed in water.

•     Deodorize/Freshen Carpet. Sprinkle Generously on carpet. Leave on as long as possible. (I like to leave it overnight if time allows!) Vacuum.  For added freshness and make your room smell amazing, I like to fill a jar 3/4 full of baking soda and sprinkle with EOBBD guaranteed essential oils, shake and let set for a day or so. Peppermint and/or lemon is wonderful, but anything you use will make people take notice. Also note the added bonus that the peppermint and lemon will also keep bugs at bay!

•     Are You A Camper? Then pack smart (and light!) and bring baking soda! It's a dish washer, pot scrubber, hand cleanser, deodorant, toothpaste and fire extinguisher all in one!

•     Septic Care. One cup of baking soda per week will help maintain a favorable pH in your septic tank.

•     Diaper Rash. Not directly on, but a tablespoon or two in baby's bathwater will offer relief. Additionally 1 drop of EOBBD Guaranteed Helichrysum and/or Lavender essential oil can be used to heal and comfort.

•     Keep cut flowers fresh longer by adding a teaspoon of baking soda to the water

•     Wipe your windshield with it to repel rain.

•     Scattered around flowerbeds and gardens will discourage bunnies from nibbling.

And the list goes on. Imagine all the products which could be eliminated by using this one old-time favorite! And if you're afraid of looking cheap . . . it is MUCH better for the environment!

Look, we can spend a small fortune for "earth friendly" cleaning products so all may glance in our shopping buggies and know we care, spend a small fortune for every product every manufacturer tells you you "need" or travel to your own beat, holding on to your own dollars and having more of them to spend where you choose AND live a healthy, sustainable life without screwing up the environment.  Remember, we've only been conditioned to spend.

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