Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Best Bottled Water For Your Health AND The Environment

Personnel at PlantLegends do not claim to be medical practitioners. I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe any medical treatment or advice. You should always discuss treatment of medical conditions with your medical practitioner before using any alternative therapies, natural supplements, or vitamins.  You should consult with an aromatherapist about essential oil usage and always inform your primary care physician what you are using as they may not be conducive with his/her prescribed therapy and medications.

The Second In A Series.

It's no secret that the human body is at least 70% water; therefore, pretty crucial for our survival and good health.

But with an ever expanding population yet a finite supply of water on the planet, attaining this crucial product for survival is more and more difficult. Walk down any "water" grocery aisle and witness that, here too, we are falling prey to commercialism. Rows and rows of bottled water professing to be the best!

But the facts don't lie:
     •   40% of the bottled water sold in the US is tap water.
     •   Tap water costs about a penny a gallon and bottled waters costs up to $10 a gallon.
     •   And the list goes on.

So right now you might be thinking . . . "Well it's good old tap water for me!"

But remember there's a high amount of chlorination in that water. . . okay, you could just pour it into a pitcher and let it stand and allow the chlorine to evaporate, but what about the toxins and pharmaceuticals it contains? No one has studied their long term effects.

Don't be forlorn, confused and most importantly . . . Don't Give Up And Simply Give In!

Remember, we attained our "superior" status in the animal kingdom (and we really ARE nothing more than a species of "animals") due to our high intellect; our keen ability to reason. So let's put it to use here and keep some dollars in our pocket and out of corporate Americas!

1.  Distilled Water. It's cheap (about 89¢/gallon) at the grocery store and contains nearly no contaminants.

2.  But its taste is bland and it is void of crucial minerals.

     I'm going to sidestep just for a minute and bring your attention to a recent documentary about GMO's in our food supply. What caught my attention here is a statement made that a LACK of minerals was causing much of the disease.

By clicking here you may, for a limited time, watch this eye-opening documentary in its entirety for FREE!

So, now that we've come across a cost effective means of good ole fashioned pure H2O, let's turn it into what our body craves. . .

3.  Add minerals. You can do what I initially did which was spend close to $30 for 8oz. at the local health food store, but then I thought about it. . . . Hmmmm, just what WAS I paying $30 for? You can get into the whole ionic vs. colloidal debate, but it boiled down to me that each plea could be summed up in one word. . . marketing! 

The body only needs minerals in trace amounts and too much can actually be toxic. So why spend the exorbitant amount? Get out of the more is better thought process!

So where do we find the perfect minerals at a reasonable price? SALT!  There is a reason that at one time salt was considered more precious than gold!

Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt contains the minerals your body needs. You can order a 5lb bag of this gem for $19 with free shipping. That's only $3.80/lb!

Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt has a slew of amazing health properties!  But for now we want to use it to mineralize our pure, distilled water.

How? We turn it into Sole (which has a whole slew of health benefits!) Simply grab a jar with a lid, toss in a handful of Himalayan Crystal Salt, fill it with distilled water, cap it and put it in a cupboard. Once all the salt has mixed with the water, throw in some more salt and wait again. What you want is the water to be at full saturation with the salt. (No more salt is being dissolved).

Now just "season" your water to taste! I use about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per gallon of water! Remember, more is not always better . . . too much and you've just made a very nice laxative!

I also like to get my water out of the plastic and use a crock or water pitcher in the fridge and always have my stainless water bottle on hand for mobility sake.

Here's to your better health and a sustainable future!

While I am aware the above crock is designed for the plastic bottles and you may use them in such a manner, the crock itself holds 2.5 gallons and my frugal self simply covers the top with a white plate!

So drink up, be healthy and don't allow yourself to get fleeced!

Remember, Knowledge Is Power!


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